Did somebody say we are out of the 200's??
Yep! That's right, we are officially done with the 200's.
Can I get a hallelujah?
Guys, this number started at 730...
and here we are at a measly 199.
This is possible.
This is SO possible :)
Can I have a bragging moment for a second please?
I think I deserve it.
(also, this doubles as a journal and I wanna remember these things)
So, Monday is P-day. Meaning, Monday is email day!
This week I got an email that I was not expecting, but shoot it made me love him that much Moore :)
He started off by saying "So, I know this is going to be hard, but..."
Oh shoot... any girl that lives through letters and emails knows what's coming at this point.
He proceeds to talk about one of his darling investigators that has been soo excited to get baptized.
There is one slight problem though... she cannot seem to quit smoking.
She wants to though!
Like reallllyyy bad. It's just really really hard.
Therefore Hunter and his companion decided they wanted to understand how hard it is to give something up that you cannot seem to fathom giving up.
They wanted to feel a piece of their investigator's pain to help her along, that way they can do it together.
Being a missionary, he doesn't have much to give up haha.
But then he knew. And, the spirit confirmed it.
"absolutely nothing else would even be hard for me to give up except for writing and emailing you."
Cue tears. Of sadness right at first. A selfish little wimper. Then...
"I love you with all my heart and i know that our relationship will only get stronger because of this. as we rely on the Lord and trust him, we will be greatly blessed."
And now, the tears turn into happy tears.
Tears of being so incredibly proud that I found a man that is willing to put the Lord before me.
One who is willing to help someone enter the kingdom of God by all means possible. Not matter how much it may hurt him.
He is amazing, and I really really love him.
This letter/email fast will last 3 weeks long.
And I am so pumped!
I can't wait to help one of his investigators together :)
All my love,
Aleigh Joy