Here we are! The last one of these little thankful posts until next year!
Can you believe tomorrow we enter into December??
I am so incredibly happy about that. December is a lovely month.
However, I am dreaming of a white Christmas and I am almost positive I won't be getting it. sigh.
I have tried really hard to think of things I am SO thankful for this week.
After all, it is the last post until next year.
Might as well put all my effort into it :)
Sooo here goes nothing!
1) My creative side
(Okay forgive me for starting out small, but I just have to build it up ya know? Lately I have really tried my hardest to express my creative side at least once a day. It builds up my feelings of self worth. School seriously just isn't my thing. I was that kid that couldn't sit still for longer than 30 minutes because I just don't have an attention span that can pretend to be interested in subjects that don't strike my fancy. I was the one that would totally ramble about something not even remotely relative on essays because my mind could not stay focused on one topic. My notes ended up being in pictures half the time just to get myself to concentrate on what my teacher was saying. However, if you give me a stick, some tape, ribbon, scrapbook paper, and crayons I promise you my hands would whip something totally awesome up. ASB was undoubtedly my best subject...)
2) Christmas Music
(I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! Remember how I mentioned I start listening to it in September?? I lied... I actually listen to it year round, I just wait til September to play it when others are around. I love that Christmas music talks mainly about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the happiness that his birth brought. Christmas music is so powerful and it bring so much joy to my soul. If you haven't started listening to it, stop being a grinch and just do it.)
3) Quotes
(It really doesn't take much to inspire me. I find myself inspired by anything and everything constantly. However, what gets me the most is a quote that digs into my heart and makes me act upon what I read. One of my favorite things to do is go on pinterest and scroll through pages upon pages of quotes. After I do so, I feel refreshed, like I can do anything. I have 11 different quotes printed out in my room right now. I love them. They are a constant reminder to me. I hope one day, I will be quote worthy!)
4) My Church
(And EVERYTHING that it includes)
(I thought about this quite a bit. I could either split up every single aspect of my church that I love, or try to just squish it all together. I clearly went with the squishing option. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In the words of Sister Dibb, "I am a Mormon. I know it, I live it, I love it." And guess what, I really really REALLY do love it. My church, and the gospel we teach is so amazing, life changing, and perfect. I want everyone to know about it. I want to scream upon the mountain tops that others need not look any further, Christ's church is on the earth today. The more I do research and study, the more I am converted. The gospel has been the biggest blessing in my life. It puts me at ease in this crazy world. There are so many troubles that surround us, but Heavenly Father is here for us and wants to help. I have found so much peace in my life through my church. I am reassured that I have a purpose in this life. Christ's church has been restored and that is the most amazing sentence. Why would I not want to tell everyone I know about the happiness that is just awaiting them? That is why we have missionaries all over. To spread the gospel and bring it to all. Nothing is a secret, just ask the missionaries. They can help. I am beyond grateful for my church. I look forward to Sunday every single week. I love the Book of Mormon. I love that it is here on earth for US in THIS day and age. I love that we have modern day prophets that guide and instruct us through promptings and revelation. Heavenly Father knew that we would need them since the world is beginning to twist and turn every moral principle. I love that the church is the SAME throughout the entire world. Wait did you get that? THE SAME around the WHOLE WORLD! The gospel is absolutely the same no matter where you go. Isn't that a testimony in itself? The atonement is a beautiful thing. I'm so grateful I get to take the sacrament every single week and renew my covenants I have made with God. I love my church. I'm so thankful I am a member of it and that I receive the blessings that follow. It is true. I know it is.)
Well, that is all for this year :)
Tune in next year for whatever else my mind can think of.
All my love,
Aleigh Joy
However, I am dreaming of a white Christmas and I am almost positive I won't be getting it. sigh.
I have tried really hard to think of things I am SO thankful for this week.
After all, it is the last post until next year.
Might as well put all my effort into it :)
Sooo here goes nothing!
1) My creative side
(Okay forgive me for starting out small, but I just have to build it up ya know? Lately I have really tried my hardest to express my creative side at least once a day. It builds up my feelings of self worth. School seriously just isn't my thing. I was that kid that couldn't sit still for longer than 30 minutes because I just don't have an attention span that can pretend to be interested in subjects that don't strike my fancy. I was the one that would totally ramble about something not even remotely relative on essays because my mind could not stay focused on one topic. My notes ended up being in pictures half the time just to get myself to concentrate on what my teacher was saying. However, if you give me a stick, some tape, ribbon, scrapbook paper, and crayons I promise you my hands would whip something totally awesome up. ASB was undoubtedly my best subject...)
2) Christmas Music
(I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! Remember how I mentioned I start listening to it in September?? I lied... I actually listen to it year round, I just wait til September to play it when others are around. I love that Christmas music talks mainly about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the happiness that his birth brought. Christmas music is so powerful and it bring so much joy to my soul. If you haven't started listening to it, stop being a grinch and just do it.)
3) Quotes
(It really doesn't take much to inspire me. I find myself inspired by anything and everything constantly. However, what gets me the most is a quote that digs into my heart and makes me act upon what I read. One of my favorite things to do is go on pinterest and scroll through pages upon pages of quotes. After I do so, I feel refreshed, like I can do anything. I have 11 different quotes printed out in my room right now. I love them. They are a constant reminder to me. I hope one day, I will be quote worthy!)
4) My Church
(And EVERYTHING that it includes)
(I thought about this quite a bit. I could either split up every single aspect of my church that I love, or try to just squish it all together. I clearly went with the squishing option. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In the words of Sister Dibb, "I am a Mormon. I know it, I live it, I love it." And guess what, I really really REALLY do love it. My church, and the gospel we teach is so amazing, life changing, and perfect. I want everyone to know about it. I want to scream upon the mountain tops that others need not look any further, Christ's church is on the earth today. The more I do research and study, the more I am converted. The gospel has been the biggest blessing in my life. It puts me at ease in this crazy world. There are so many troubles that surround us, but Heavenly Father is here for us and wants to help. I have found so much peace in my life through my church. I am reassured that I have a purpose in this life. Christ's church has been restored and that is the most amazing sentence. Why would I not want to tell everyone I know about the happiness that is just awaiting them? That is why we have missionaries all over. To spread the gospel and bring it to all. Nothing is a secret, just ask the missionaries. They can help. I am beyond grateful for my church. I look forward to Sunday every single week. I love the Book of Mormon. I love that it is here on earth for US in THIS day and age. I love that we have modern day prophets that guide and instruct us through promptings and revelation. Heavenly Father knew that we would need them since the world is beginning to twist and turn every moral principle. I love that the church is the SAME throughout the entire world. Wait did you get that? THE SAME around the WHOLE WORLD! The gospel is absolutely the same no matter where you go. Isn't that a testimony in itself? The atonement is a beautiful thing. I'm so grateful I get to take the sacrament every single week and renew my covenants I have made with God. I love my church. I'm so thankful I am a member of it and that I receive the blessings that follow. It is true. I know it is.)
Well, that is all for this year :)
Tune in next year for whatever else my mind can think of.
All my love,
Aleigh Joy