Tasty Tuesday: Fajita Turkey Burgers

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Okay, so this recipe doesn't have to be made with turkey... but I've had a recent fascination with ground turkey since it's a little better for you than ground beef and I can buy it in bulk at Costco!
I pretty much replace ground beef with ground turkey in most of my recipes now and hardly even taste a difference!
Fajitas are one of our favorite meals and we LOVED having that same taste on a burger!
Hunter made himself sick he ate so many of these, ha!
It was super easy and super yummy, I call that a win, win!

-A pound or more of ground turkey (or ground beef... whatever floats your boat)
-1 foil packet of fajita seasoning
-1 tbsp + a few dashes of garlic salt 
-1 tsp + 1/2 tsp chili powder 
-a few dashes salt and pepper 
-cooking spray
-3 tbsp oil of choice 
-2 bell peppers (I chose one red and one orange)
-1/3 of a yellow onion 
-2 tbsp soy sauce 
-a slice of pepper jack or Monterey jack for each burger 
-Hamburger buns
-2 avocados
-1/4 cup sour cream
-a few spoonfuls or your fav salsa

-Place uncooked ground turkey or ground beef in a mixing bowl. Add half a packet of fajita seasoning, 1 tbsp garlic salt, 1 tsp chili powder, and a few dashes salt and pepper. Once mixed completely, form meat into burgers and cook in a pan with some cooking spray or on the grill!
-While burgers are cooking, start cutting your bell pepper and onion into strips. Add that to a frying pan with oil and let cook until veggies become soft but not soggy.
-Turn heat to low and add in the remainder of fajita seasoning, 1/2 tsp chili powder, soy sauce, and a few dashes salt & pepper. Let that cook for a couple more minutes.
-When burgers are almost done add slices of pepper jack or Monterey jack cheese and let it melt down.
-Make your guacamole by adding the meat of two avocados to a mixing bowl with sour cream and a few dashes garlic salt. If you wanna get fancy, skip the sour cream and use fresh pico and lime juice. 
-Toast your bun. The add a spoonful of your fav salsa to the bottom bun. Place burger on to of that. Add peppers and onion on top of the burger. On the top bun add a heaping spoonful of guac.

And there ya have it, the fjaita burger!
Now I'm craving one...
I hope you all liked this recipe!

All my love,
Aleigh Joy

Oh Mary, Did You Know?

Monday, December 11, 2017
Every Christmas season I begin feeling overwhelmed and a bit stressed with all the money spent, gifts we have to buy, and activities I feel we can't miss out on.
It just becomes a lot of work and time for one holiday that's over in a blink!
However, once I start focusing on the real reason we celebrate Christmas, I notice my attitude change and my love for the spirit of Christmas increase.
This holiday is such a special time to reflect on our Savior's life instead of making it feel more like a "Hallmark" holiday. 
The first Christmas I spent as a mother, was the first time I really thought about what it must have been like to be Mary.
Ever since that Christmas, I love reflecting on her life and what an amazing example she is to mothers everywhere.
Like holy cow, can you even imagine being her??
The video I shared below does a great job of really helping us understand her role.
She was the mother of literally the only perfect man on earth.
She was the mother of our Savior, the Son of God.
Like guys, I can't even put my thoughts and feelings into words!
I just can't even imagine.
I feel such an intense amount of love and respect for Mary. 
Ever since that Christmas, "Mary Did You Know" became my favorite Christmas song.
I get the chills every time I listen to it, especially the Pentatonix version!
One of my favorite lines is "This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you."
SO powerful! 
Every Christmas now, I try to really think about Mary in that stable. Not in a hospital bed with an epidural, but in a stable. 
I try to imagine what it must have felt like to hold the Son of God, the one that now holds each of us in our trials and hardships.
I imagine what it must have been like to see him on the cross (cue tears), wondering why this must be. 
I imagine how it must have felt to see crowds bow before him, to see him give sight to a blind man, and to know that he overcame death.
I mean, I feel proud when Oaklyn pees in the potty by herself... I just can't even begin to imagine what she felt. 

Now, when I see a nativity scene, I see a mother holding a brand new baby boy.
I see a mother who was probably scared and had gone through long suffering just to bring him here... but a mother who is brave and faithful.
I see a mother that I aspire to be like.
Every Christmas I think about how I can be more like Mary, a mother who is one of the greatest examples of all time.
Mary was trusted with THE Son of God, and raised him in faith.
I just can't help but ponder the same question, "Mary Did You Know?"

All my love,
Aleigh Joy

Here's a few videos I LOVE!


5 Tips For A First-Time Car Buyer

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
This post is sponsored by Cars.com. All thoughts and opinions are mine alone. #ad #CarsCom

We bought our first car just over a year and a half ago. It was something I knew was coming later on in the future, but definitely didn't expect to do right then and there. We were driving a car that belonged to Hunter's dad when we first got married. It did what we needed it to and he was happy to let us use it while Hunter was in school. Then, the unexpected happened and he passed away really unexpectedly. As a result, that car was no longer ours. Suddenly we were thrown into purchasing a new car for the first time and saying we were lost, nervous, and confused would be an understatement! So, here's some advice we have to someone purchasing a car for the first time. 

1) Set a Budget! This was key for us. We knew we wanted to stay at or around a certain budget and that helped us stay firm when talking to pushy car salesmen. I can't tell you how many times we walked away from a dealership just because they were trying to get us to go above our budget. We sat down and considered gas, maintenance, insurance, and the car payment and found were able to figure out what we could actually afford. 

2) Do Your Research! After setting a budget, it was time to actually look for a car! Neither of us really knew much about cars and to be honest, we had no clue what we were looking for in a car. Looking on Cars.com is a really great resource for first-time car buyers. It is one of the largest digital automotive platforms with tons of trusted information about all sorts of cars. You are able to research and then find a car that will fit you and your family best!

3) Phone a Friend! We kept trying to do it all on our own until we finally realized it might be best to ask what others thought. I talked to my dad and my husband talked to his brother and we felt a whole lot better after talking to them. They were able to offer insight we didn't think of and let us know what the car buying process is like before we went through it. Talking to someone we respect and love really helped us feel comfortable.

4) Ask a Million Questions! When it comes to this big of a decision, don't be afraid to ask all sorts of questions. There were a few car salesmen that I knew weren't going to give me straight answers and that made it very clear to me that I didn't want to buy a car from them. When I went to Hyundai and put my research to the test, I loved that they gave me clear answers and were very helpful. 

5) Test Drive the Car! So you like the car from the outside, but how do you like actually driving it?? I really liked our car at first glance. We looked at the inside, the outside, and I really honestly liked it. However, it wasn't until Hunter and I both drove it that we realized we really wanted it. It felt smooth, we liked how Oaklyn fit in the back seat, we liked that we were higher up, and it had a clean interior. Looking back, I wish I would've driven that car how I actually do now instead of being extra careful while test driving it ;) But seriously, drive it how you really will be driving it to see if you really like how it feels! 

Alright, those are my top 5 tips for being a first-time car buyer! What are your best tips?

All my love,
Aleigh Joy

A Cozy Christmas

Saturday, November 25, 2017
This post is sponsored by Sleepyheads. However, all opinions are mine alone

Today marks only ONE MONTH until Christmas! Can you believe how fast that came?? Maybe it doesn't seem fast for the rest of you, but for me this entire year flew by! We're pretty busy planning our move to San Diego so I've been trying to get things ready for Christmas as fast as possible. One of the first things I thought of is one of my favorite family traditions; matching family jammies for Christmas Eve! Generally, I don't post about our jammies until Christmas Eve but this year I wanted to share the cute and cozy ones I found so you can snag some too! 

I found our jammies at Sleepyheads.com and we love them so much! They had so many options to chose from and they are seriously the comfiest jammies any of us own! Oaklyn thinks it is so fun that she gets to match mommy and daddy and cam looks so adorable in hers! I love this red snowflake collection because they had them in every size we needed! I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to find identical jammies for all of us this year but was so happy when I saw these! I love that they are footed jammies because I know the girls will be cozy sleeping in them. Hunter and I have the feet on ours as well, except ours zip off! This feature was so perfect for Hunter who is really tall. Hunter and I also have a little hood on ours.

So how does this tradition work? Well every year on Christmas eve I wrap up our jammies as one present. I let Oaklyn open it (now Cambria too!) and then we put them on right away! Then we read a Christmas book and get ready for bed. We wake up Christmas morning in our matching jammies and it just feels so festive and fun! We open our presents in our matching jammies and continue to wear them year round because they are just that cozy! I really love this tradition and plan to continue it until our kids find it embarrassing to match their parents, haha!

Because I love Sleepyheads SO much, I can just guarantee that you all will too! So, I have teamed up with them to giveaway up to 4 pairs of these same jammies! This is a quick giveaway so be sure to enter pronto! Comment here with what your favorite gift of all time was! Then head over to my instagram for more entires!
Giveaway will run for 48 hours!

All my love,
Aleigh Joy


Why Holidays Are So Much More Fun With Kids

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
This post is sponsored by Carter's; However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. 

I have always absolutely loved holidays. I can remember as a kid sitting by my window late at night, just looking at all of my neighbor's Christmas lights. I would sit there until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer because I just loved the magical feeling the lights brought. I remember waking up Christmas morning giddy with excitement because it was such a special day. I remember not being able to sleep the night before holidays because I was just SO excited. As a kid, the excitement of holidays can't be beat. I still loved holidays as I got older but noticed the magic start to fade. I no longer felt like the little girl I once was. However, that magic suddenly came back once I had kids of my own.

I remember hearing it all the time, "holidays are so much more fun with kids!" But, I never really understood what that meant until I had a child of my own. Oaklyn was almost a year old on her first Christmas and even though she didn't really understand what was happening, it was still so much fun for me. The next year was even more fun as we watched her tear open presents exclaiming "ooh's and ahh's" each time. This year I can hardly wait for christmas morning just so I can watch her experience the magic of Christmas. So why exactly are holidays so much more fun with kids? Let me explain...

First things first, you get to start as many holiday traditions as you want! I am kind of a tradition crazy person. I couldn't wait to have a family of my own because I was so excited and ready to start traditions. A few of my favorites are visiting Santa, watching Christmas movies, looking at Christmas lights as a family (to make it even more fun look up "the polar express" on pinterest!), making and decorating cookies, reading Christmas books, advent calendars, and matching family jammies! Did you know that Carter's has an amazing selection of children's pajamas in all different sizes?? Carter’s has the best holiday pajamas, not just because they’re affordable, but because they’re comfortable and stylish!

Second, you get to experience that same magic you once felt as a child all over again. It has been so fun to watch our kids experience the magic of holidays. Watching Oaklyn's eyes light up when we turned our Christmas tree on this year, literally filled my heart with joy. I couldn't stop smiling as I watched her eyes get big with excitement. I felt that same joy I once did as a child only now, it's ten times greater. Oaklyn can't wait for Santa to come and she asks if it's Christmas time just about every day. I am loving how excited she is and it's making me that much more excited as well.

Third, you get to plan a Christmas card! I don't know if this is as exciting to others as it is to me... but I literally am obsessed with Christmas cards! I get so giddy when they start showing up in the mail. I also love having it as a keepsake each year. I save our Christmas cards each year and love looking back over the years. I started the first year Hunter and I were married and have done one every year since. It has been so fun seeing our family change each year. It also forces you to take an updated family photo! With family pictures, comes planning coordinating outfits! Carter’s has a variety of styles perfect for every holiday moment, and they definitely have you covered in the family photo category! There's adorable clothes in several sizes at their store and online. Carter’s clothes and PJs are equally cute and comfy – at an affordable price point that doesn’t sacrifice quality.

Lastly, holidays with little ones means the opportunity to feel the joy of giving. I love receiving presents... who doesn't? But, I've learned over time that the joy of giving is even more fun for me. I love finding holiday gifts for my kiddos and feel so much joy when I watch them open up a present I got them. Oaks is a true girl and loves getting new clothes! Carter’s will have can’t-miss Black Friday deals beginning 11/17 so you can get your little ones some cute new holiday clothes at an amazing price! Carter’s and OshKosh B’gosh are giving away over $700,000 in Dash Cash to the first 100 people to visit their local Carter’s or OshKosh B’gosh store for the Dash In to Win Sweepstakes.  The Sweepstakes will be held on Black Friday (11/23 or 11/24 – depending on when the store opens after Thanksgiving). Plus, customers will receive a gift from Shutterfly on their $40+ purchase that day! SO many reasons to head to Carter's for Black Friday shopping! Also, you can take 20% off your purchase of $40 or more in store or online through 12/31/17! The in store code is: 070716 and the online code is: CART4198. So many great deals at Carter's!
It's also fun to teach your children why giving is important at a young age. Carter’s believes that every child deserves a good night sleep so they are partnering with Pajama Program, an organization that provides children new pajamas, from November 1st – December 31st. Customers can help by donating a pair of new pajamas in store or make a monetary donation at check out (in store or online). Carter’s will match up to 100,000 pairs of pajamas. Your local community benefits directly from your support and your children will learn that the holiday season isn't all about receiving... it is about giving as well.

Being a mother has been the hardest thing I've ever done... but it has also brought me the most joy. Children are a lot of work and a whole lot of fun! It has been so fun having kids during the holidays and I can't wait to create more memories with them this year! Now tell me, what do you look forward to most during the holidays??

All my love,
Aleigh Joy


Double Strollin With The Austlen Entourage

Friday, November 10, 2017

So I've learned something about myself since becoming a mom...
I've learned that I'm kind of a "gear snob."
Now that's not to say I won't put my child in a cheap umbrella stroller to get around from here to there, but it is to say that I understand the importance of good baby gear and I'm willing to splurge.
When I had Oaklyn, I had no idea about strollers, car seats, diaper bags... or any other gear really.
I found a good deal on a travel system and we got it that day. 
I remember when it arrived, I made Hunter put it together immediately.
When he finished I looked at it and thought, "that's a lot bigger than I pictured it would be..."
Sure enough, the thing ended up being the biggest pain.
The wheel would literally pop off as we were on a walk, it was so heavy I literally felt like I was gonna throw out my back putting it in the trunk of the car, Oaklyn was never comfortable in the seat, and the "shade cover" hardly blocked any sun from her face... Needless to say, I totally regretted that purchase!
From that moment forward, I vowed to myself that I would fully read reviews on baby gear before making a purchase.
That being said, I have a review to write today! On a very new stroller to the market...
The Austlen Entourage!

So let's start from the beginning... my initial thoughts on the stroller.
The first time I ever saw this stroller was on an instagram story.
I looked it up online immediately and was blown away by all the different functions it has. 
I kept thinking to myself, "How can it possibly do so much?? It has to be too good to be true!"
I desperately wanted to see it in person and was so excited to receive it in the mail.
Hunter took it out of the box and put it together. 
I'll be honest in saying we kind of struggled putting it together.
Luckily though, they have really great informative videos on their website that helped tremendously.
Once it was put together I wanted to test out all the different functions.
Right off the bat, I LOVED how beautiful it looked.
It is such a pretty design and has some really great touches like the leather handlebar and the great quality of the seat and shade cover.
We took it out for a test walk and quickly discovered some pros and cons...

-We love how easy it is to extend it into a bigger stroller! You guys it's crazy... You literally press a button and it expands to being like twice as long! The reason for this is being able to carry more cargo if you're going somewhere like th beach or on a picnic. It also makes it possible for both seats to recline.
-I'm obsessed with the tote! I think the tote is an amazing touch! It has the ability to be removed and has several pockets to add anything and everything you need while pushing the stroller.
-It has the ability to add a car seat, a second seat, or a sit and stand seat. There are so many options for your kiddos and it really can grow with your family
-It can lug around up to 150 lbs of stuff. That's two very big kids with the opportunity to out suitcases or something on the stroller!
-It's very easy to fold. Like really easy! It is also really easy to stand up making it super easy to stow.

-Unfortunately we had a problem with the wheels at first. Luckily the company did take care of it pretty quickly, but it was a pain at first. The stroller was very difficult to push until we got it fixed.
-It is a large stroller. With the ability to tote around all that cargo, all those kids, and the ability to expand to being even bigger... comes the the con of it being pretty massive. It folds down pretty well but it is pretty hefty.
-It's not really my stroller of choice to keep in the trunk and put my kids in every time I have to run a quick errand. It's just a little too much work for that... But, it is a great stroller to bring somewhere like Disneyland where you want your kids to be comfortable and have the ability to bring all the stuff you need. 

The below image is from their website where you can see all the different functions it has. This stroller was definitely VERY well thought out and has just about everything a mom could think of. 

Overall I think I'd give this stroller 4 out of 5 stars. I'm so impressed with the design and all the different functions it has, but the price point is really steep and it's not really ideal for daily quick errands.
However, it is absolutely worth looking at because you probably will love all the different functions it has!

If you have anymore questions on this stroller, feel free to ask!

All my love,
Aleigh Joy

Holiday Twinning With OshKosh B'Gosh

Thursday, November 9, 2017
“This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of OshKosh B’gosh; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.”

You guys, the holidays are HERE! Every year I get so excited on September 1st because fall is the best season of the year and we get to break out my favorite clothing items of the year... sweaters, tights, boots, etc. Then Halloween comes to kick off the festivities and the next day, my mind is in full on Christmas mode! I love Thanksgiving too, but I like to think of it as a pre-Christmas ;) Either way, this time of year is such a fun and special time for everyone. With all the fun get togethers, family pictures, and parties, comes holiday clothes shopping! I stopped into OshKosh B'Gosh this weekend and found SUPER cute matching outfits for the girls! You know how crazy I am about the matching sister thing ;) OshKosh always has such a cute selection of holiday clothes and this year is nothing short of amazing!

From denim to dresses and sweaters to skirts, OshKosh has you covered! I had THE hardest time picking out matching outfits for the girls because I loved everything. Before I left I said to Hunter: "I should be back soon!" HA! Guys, I knew I loved their clothes... but I did not expect to have such a hard time deciding! I had like 5 outfits picked out and different variations of the outfits and couldn't for the life of me decide! I almost just gave up and bought them all haha. Luckily one of the sweet employees helped me pick out the outfits in the pictures and I could not be more excited with how they turned out. Oaks kept twirling and smiling when I got her dressed and she loved matching her little sister. I about died when we put Cambria on her lap and she kissed her little head. Oh man, sisters are SO fun!

I love that OshKosh B'Gosh is my one stop shop for stylish and age appropriate clothes for both girls. As you've seen from my instagram, I have this thing with putting the girls in matching clothes... it's just so cute! Before Cambria was born I had the hardest time finding clothes in both infant and toddler sizes and it made me so sad! You can only imagine how excited I was to walk into OshKosh and see they had all the outfits I wanted not only on crazy sale, but also in both baby and toddler sizes! I loved that they put both sizes right next to each other instead of in different sections of the store because it made it so easy for me to find the right sizes in each style. All my dreams were coming true as I was shopping and picturing the girls matching during all the holiday activities I have planned ;) 

OshKosh is having an amazing sale right now making it so easy to love both your kid's style and the price. All the clothes online and in store are marked down like crazy and on top of that I have a coupon code for you to get another 20% off your purchase of $40 or more! In other words, you'll be getting a steal of a deal! In store just use code: 037264 and online use code: OKBG3418

Another great deal to look out for is the OshKosh Dash in to win sweeps on Black Friday! They will already have amazing deals in store but on top of that, the first 100 people to any store will receive a gift card worth up to $100! Depending on when your local store opens the deal either starts on 11/23 or 11/24. If the store opens on 11/23, the dash in to win is on 11/23. If your store is closed on 11/23, then the dash in to win event is on 11/24. Find your closest store here! 

The last thing I have for all of you is something extra fun to get excited about! I'm giving away a $50 gift card to one of you that can be used in store or online at OshKosh B'Gosh! That way you can get your kiddos ready for the holiday season with all their stylish and age appropriate styles! Leave a comment with your favorite holiday tradition here for one entry and tag friends in my instagram post for even more chances to win!

 Now go ahead and get all your little ones holiday outfits picked out for a GREAT price at OshKosh! And don't forget the matching or coordinating outfits ;) 

All my love,
Aleigh Joy


Cambria's Birth Announcement With Tiny Prints

Monday, October 30, 2017

Thank you so much to Shutterfly for sponsoring this post! All opinions and experiences are mine alone. #partner

When a baby is born, they seem to bless the lives of everyone surrounding them.
They bring so much joy, love, and sweetness into the world with their tiny little bodies, completely dependent on their parents.
A baby is always something to celebrate and I think every parent has the right to show off their beautiful bundle of joy.
For that reason, I absolutely love sending out birth announcements when I have a baby.
It's so fun to celebrate this new little life with friends and family from afar that may not have been able to meet the new addition yet.
Plus, who doesn't love getting something in the mail??
I know I do! Unless it's bills...

Birth announcements double as keepsakes for me as well. 
I know both girls will love seeing them when they're older. 
When I was deciding where to get birth announcements, choosing Tiny Prints was such an easy choice.
They did our Christmas cards last year, and those were my absolute favorite cards we have sent!
They have so many gorgeous options that you just won't find anywhere else.

I loved how sweet and beautiful this design was and I really love the way the gold foil looks in person!
Designing this card exactly how I wanted it was so easy thanks to Tiny Prints!
Their site is super easy to navigate and they give such fun customizable options.
They even printed our return address and the addresses of the recipients for me!
And get this... they even sent the cards for me!
I'm not kidding when I say this was SO easy. Which is pretty much exactly what a new mother needs.

I had a few more cards and envelopes sent to me just in case I ran into someone I forgot about that lives by me and it was super easy to add that on.
I am always so impressed with the convenience of using Tiny Prints

Have you sent out birth announcements with your babies?
And aren't you so excited for Christmas card season?!

All my love,
Aleigh Joy


5 Reasons Why The Little Gym Is Perfect For Toddlers

Thursday, October 26, 2017

This post is sponsored by The Little Gym of Orem. All opinions and experiences are my own.

Right after Cambria was born, I quickly realized that Oaklyn desperately needed something for herself. All eyes were on this new little baby and not only was it hard for her to adjust to not being the center of attention anymore, but she also was just flat out bored! Having a new baby means a lot of sitting around, a lot more naps, and a lot of well... nothing. That does not fly well with my incredibly active 2 year old! I quickly realized I needed to be able to do something for Oaklyn that she could look forward to. She's too young for school, we can't always rely on play dates, and dad isn't always home to wear her out at the park... that's when I looked into The Little Gym!

Our little gym is over by Target and Sodalicious so I definitely knew it existed haha. I just never took the time to check out the classes and see all it had to offer. Once I looked over their website and saw there was a class in her age range, I decided it would be so much fun for her! I told Oaks that she was going to go and she asked every day up until we went if it was time yet. She was SO excited! She already absolutely loved it after just the first class. And I'm not exaggerating... she was SO sad to leave and could not stop talking about it. It was so fun that she got to be the center of our attention and have involved play to get her wiggles out. So why do I think your toddler needs to go? Here's why!

1) There is a class for all ages: You guys, The Little Gym offers classes for ages 4 months-12 years! I wish I would've looked into it when Oaklyn was little because I desperately needed the time away from the house during her first year. I always thought it was just for toddlers but was pleasantly surprised to hear that it's for older ages too! The programs they offer involve movement-based learning and imaginative play to help build the confidence and skills needed at each stage of childhood. I love that! They tailor each class to fit the needs of each age. 

2) It's the perfect way to get your kid moving: Oaklyn pretty much moves 24/7... but it's usually just busy play rather than actually working out her body. I think it is soo important for our little ones to get time to be themselves and play without being in front of a screen. At the Little Gym, your kid will run around, play with other kids, dance, and climb all over gymnastics equipment. Basically, it means you'll get a goooood nap out of your kid that day ;) But really, I feel so good about Oaklyn learning to be active from an early age. 

3) It's one on one time you get to spend with your child: Oaklyn and I used to do literally everything together. We are still around each other all day but it's not just the two of us anymore.  We have another little person that needs mommy's constant attention and I know Oaklyn was craving one on one time. I love getting to go in the gym with her and help her with different skills and play around with her. I love that we get to have fun together and for once, I don't have to be the one in charge and telling her what to do haha.

4) You and your little one can make new friends: I hear moms of all ages talk about how they just wish they had mom friends. I know it can be hard to find a mom friend that you click with, but I can promise you they aren't just going to pop out of nowhere! Usually you kinda have to find them ;) The Little Gym is a great atmosphere for you and your kid to develop relationships with other people! The moms and kids in Oaklyn's class are so fun and we love laughing together at the kids when they do something funny. It's great for both moms and kids to socialize with others!

5) Help them hit milestones: As I was saying earlier... each class is geared toward different ages. The teachers help the kids practice skills based on their age group and always send the kid home with a challenge to work on. I still think of Oaks as my little baby sometimes, so I feel like I often limit her on what she can do. I couldn't believe that she was able to walk on a balance beam, swing from the rings, jump on a springboard, and even do a handstand! She wouldn't have learned any of these skills without The Little Gym!

Basically, I have nothing but good things to say about our experience with The Little Gym! I went into it having no idea what to expect and they far exceeded my expectations! I can't wait for Cambria to be able to start in just a month and a half!!

So, what class is perfect for your kid?? Check them out here!

All my love,
Aleigh Joy