This post is sponsored by Dorel Home Products. All thoughts and opinions are my own. #mainstays #believeinsleep
I'm having a baby like... any day now! While I am so excited to snuggle this little princess and to expand our family, I also know exactly the kind of exhaustion we're in for. My first born didn't sleep much at all for wayy to long and I pretty much was a walking and grumpy zombie. I remember wanting to be near Oaklyn while sleeping when she was a newborn for several reasons. One, I could check on her easily whenever I wanted. Two, It made night feedings much easier. And Three, I could try to get her to go back to sleep quicker. However, there were also several downsides to having her right by me. I remember having so much anxiety every time my husband's alarm would go off because I knew it would wake up the baby. I hated having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night because I also knew that would wake her up. And then of course, the transition out of our room to her own room was harder... I decided something's gotta change this time around and have thought up a solution to hopefully, a better sleeping situation for all of us this time around.
I decided that it would be a great idea to put a bed in the nursery for me to sleep on during those long newborn days. That way, I don't have to worry about Hunter's alarm, we can put her straight in her crib, and Hunter can get a little more rest while working two jobs and in school! Upon choosing a mattress I knew we needed something budget-friendly since we'll be buying double the diaper for a little bit, and comfortable! I was so excited to find the Mainstays Twin Mattress from Walmart because it met all the criteria I had and will be great for Oaklyn to use later on.
Not only is it great for finding a mattress on a budget, but it is so convenient to order! Simply head to to order and the next thing you know, you'll have your mattress waiting for you outside your door! Being really pregnant I actually wanted to cry thinking about how hard it would be for me to get a mattress into our little apartment while Hunter was at work. Thankfully, we were able to avoid that whole situation because I came home from running errand one day to my new mattress compressed and rolled up in a box... so cool!
One night after Hunter got home, we literally just opened the box, slid out the rolled mattress, carefully removed the plastic, and watched it expand in no time! I'm so happy that we were able to find a convenient and affordable mattress to make our sleep situation a little easier on all of us. I'm also excited that Oaklyn will be able to sleep on this bed once she grows out of her toddler bed. As you can tell from these pictures, she absolutely loved it!
Dorel Home Products Mattresses are CertiPur which means they contain certified flexible polyurethane foam. They are made without ozone depleters, PBDE's, TDCPP flame retardants, mercury, lead, or other heavy metals, formaldehyde, and phthalates regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Basically, you can be sure you are getting a great mattress for a great price and you don't have to worry about what it is made from.
Now we really are ready for you little girl! Here's to hoping you sleep muchhhh better than your older sister did ;)
All my love,
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