Dinner is cooking, Hunter is doing homework, and I found it a perfect time to catch up on some blogging
I realize that by law of the four seasons, it isn't actually summer yet.
But, it sure feels like it here in Utah!
Which is crazy to me because about a week and a half ago I swear I was grabbing a sweater to bring to work and my umbrella because there was a chance of rain...
But, I am so not complaining.
Summer in Utah is Really fun!
And, it's even Moore fun with the best husband there ever was :)
-We spent Memorial Day at Seven Peaks Water park. It was a beautiful sunny day and the water park was packed. Yet somehow we zipped through most of the lines. I would have to say it's because most of the others there were a bit too little to go on the big kid water slides ;) We had a blast and can't wait to go back all summer long! Both of us love the water and sliding down on a double inter tube is just the best. We then came home and grilled up some hot dogs to make chili cheese dogs, made some fresh guacamole, and ended it all with the Heat game and popsicles :)
-Have you tried Rita's Italian Ice?
If your answer was no... find the closest one to you, and GO! It was quite good and both Hunter and I really enjoyed it. The Gelati was fantastic. Now I'm craving it. Cool.
- Our passports AND our marriage certificate came already! They are here quite early and we are SO happy! It's cruise time!
Well... almost. We're counting down the days :)
- We went on the Provo temple grounds last Sunday with peanut butter cookies in tow to have FHE. It was Hunter's lesson and even though it took about an hour, it was one I'll remember for quite some time :) We brought our patriarchal blessings and read them to each other but also had a paper with "I am" "I will" and "I won't" When we read each line we tried to see if it would fit under any of the categories. It was a very spiritual lesson and I'm so grateful for such an amazing husband
- We've made some really awesome friends here and have decided we might actually be really sad when we have to leave! (did I just say that?) Yep, we actually really are loving Utah. Remind me that I said this when the snow hits...
- Sonic happy hour has become one of my new favorite times of day. It is in the same parking lot as I work and a slushee is only like 70 cents. AND they now put nerds in them. Nerds people... I didn't even realize I liked Nerds but I sure do in my lemonberry slushees :)
- A couple weeks ago I was in the shower minding my own business when Hunter comes in the bathroom to let me know that the second counselor in the Stake Presidency called asking to speak with me. My tummy felt funny as soon as Hunter reminded me that Stake conference was coming up. Sure enough I called him back and hung up with an assignment to speak in stake conference. I've been here three months and have already spoken in our ward, have a calling, have given the closing prayer, and spoke in Stake conference. But hey, I'm not complaining! I'm glad they're putting me to work :)
- We drove wayy up the canyon with our awesome friends Hannah and Cody the other day and had a really fun bonfire! Mountain man Cody served his mission in the Dominican Republic and bought a machete while there. So, he had no problem finding us fire wood haha.
- Other than that... work is good for both of us, Hunter is an amazing husband, we have food on our table every night, we have a comfy bed to sleep in, Hunter is doing well in school, and we are just so grateful for our many blessings :)
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