Hey there!
We've been married for 4 days today!
It has truly been the best 4 days of our entire lives.
I had no idea my love for him could grow this much, this fast.
We already feel like we've been married forever because it feels so perfect and natural to be spending every moment with each other.
Married life is a dream come true.
A dream we have both been dreaming of for almost 6 years.
He comes home from a long day of football and school and kisses me like a scene from the notebook. He snuggles me in bed until we both fall asleep in each others arms. He lets me wake him up in the middle of the night just because I missed him while I was sleeping and I want to snuggle, even when he has to wake up at 5 in the morning. He tells me I'm beautiful when I just wake up and tells me he's the luckiest man in the world. He prays for me and thanks our Father in Heaven for our love every night we pray together and it brings tears to my eyes each time. He loves when I cook for him and he tells me I'm the perfect wife. We snuggle up next to each other when we read our scriptures each night and my love for him sky rockets each time.
Our wedding day felt pretty perfect, and our reception was lovely but that really isn't what matters to me. Of course your wedding should be a dream come true but all that really matters in the end is that I married the right person, in the right place, by the right authority. I'm so grateful that I am sealed to the man of my dreams for time and all eternity.
So here's to being a newlywed!
I'm loving every second :)
All my love,
Aleigh Joy
I know you don't know me but....Oh my goodness this is beautiful!!! I am sooo happy for you! :D I love reading your posts full of joy and love. Thanks for sharing! You make me so excited to get married with my sweetheart one day. :)