These are the Things that I Love the Most

Saturday, August 25, 2012
This. Is. Me.

Giggles from a small child
Feeling accomplished after a long day
Going to bed with a smile on my face
Getting love letters from my sweet missionary
A clean room
The smell of clean clothes
Wearing a new outfit that makes me feel good
Soft music with meaningful lyrics
Slaving over a home cooked meal in the kitchen
Feeling inspired after reading my scriptures
The chill in the air
Red Velvet hot chocolate
Getting texts from old friends saying "I miss you"
Baking delicious creations that look as good as they taste
Smiling at strangers 
Planning my dream wedding via pinterest
Knowing my prayers are being answered
Getting dolled up and feeling "pretty"
A good run, resulting in a clear mind
Knowing there is someone who loves me
Every missionary out there, but especially mine.
Sappy love stories that make my heart skip a beat
Being myself, and knowing that is good enough.

"Happiness is embracing all the good that surrounds"

All my love,
Aleigh Joy

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