We Did It!!! I have officially graduated from Mission Hills High School! I have a mixture of emotions being that it has been one of the biggest parts of my life thus far. I feel a bit overwhelmed as I realize this is the beginning of the rest of my life, my future can really take place now! It still hasn't quite hit me, I think because it feels right. It was time. Well here is to a new exciting adventure, and the legacy the class of 2012 has left behind!
Now its story time :) Okay so remember how I was so excited to go to grad night?? Well I had every reason to be, it was truly one of the most amazing nights of my life. By the time we actually left, it was like 3:30, We got to Disneyland around 4:45 and we were so extremely excited! As we sprinted over to California Adventure, because we had park hopper passes, we all agreed The Tower of Terror won for the first ride we would go on no matter how long the line is. Unfortunately, it was closed for the time being...Therefore the first ride ended up being a water raft ride, they sure weren't kidding when they said you would get wet. After that we headed over to California Screaming which was again... closed. What the? So we resorted to the swings which was actually a great choice! So much fun and a super short line! After riding a bunch of rides we went to Pizza Port, I got a $9.00 salad. For real? It probably costed like 2 to make. Whatever it was pretty good. Around 11pm is when the park closed to the general public and they started to check for grad night wristbands. That meant wayy less lines :) Little did we know it also meant the BEST dance party that ever existed! The lights in the park were turned down and we heard loud, GOOD music! Our teenage minds lead our bodies over to the castle where a DJ, strobe lights, and an awesome dance party awaited us. Seriously though, you think Disneyland is magical during the day? Just imagine it after hours, heck yes! We were told to be back at the buses by 3:30 am. Time crept up on us so quickly, but by the time we had to leave we were so ready. My feet were killing me and I couldn't wait to be warm and cozy in my bed. The bus was completely silent on the way home, we were all dead. By the time we got back I was afraid I was going to fall asleep at the wheel! luckily I didn't and made it home safe. I put blankets over my windows so I could sleep all day. I got back around 6:00 am and took a shower so by the time I fell asleep the sun was coming up. I set my alarm for 1:30 pm, and didn't wake up until then.

When my alarm woke me up I could hardly believe I really slept that long, I guess I was really tired! I woke up but laid in bed a little longer, just trying to realize it was time to graduate, its my time. Reality just didn't sink in. So I went and ate some blackberries ha. I started getting ready and was still in shock that I was getting ready for MY graduation. I said goodbye to my family and headed over to Audrey's house for some pictures with my best friends. We piled in my car and got to the school right on time. Before we entered the gym we got a pin for Anthony Vaeao our grizzly guardian angel. We put on our caps and gowns and got in our lines. We walked across the school to where we would make our way to the track to take our seats on the field. I waved to my family and it still felt surreal. I looked over to the chairs and noticed Anthony's chair, his jersey covering his seat. He really was there with us. Graduation carried on and went at a pretty fast pace. Before I knew it they called my name and I received my fake diploma ha. At the very end of the ceremony they called Anthony's name the entire stadium went wild and his mom wore his cap and gown to go accept his diploma on his behalf. My eyes welled with tears as well as many others, we love you so much Vaeao. Before I knew it, we turned our tassels and the confetti guns went off, we were officially graduates :) The next morning Audrey, Jordyn, and I went to go pick up our real diplomas. We did it, together. I love those girls so much, they mean so much to me and have always been there. So you would think by now I would be feeling, I don't know... excited? Really though, I'm just content. I can't wait to see what my future has in store for me, but high school really was amazing. I did all I wanted to and accomplished everything I had hoped for. So here's to the Class of 2012, The world really is ours! :)

Well there you have it, and there I have it forever to remember :) What a joyous time in life this is. So as far as future plans and college and what not, I'm undecided soo yeah. I sure wish they just had mom school, that would make life way easier. The show goes on...
All my love,
-Aleigh Joy
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